Monday, September 19, 2005

Hangin' with Mr. Cooper

A note to all my fans.....I must apologize! I have been so busy - I haven't had time to write! I have been traveling and playing with new friends non-stop. I have been really trying to expand my inner posse and after all of my travels I've finally got my crew.

First, my parents went to Europe for vacation and left me home alone...but I was secretly so excited to go to my Auntie Lo's house. She lives in the city and we live the city life when I visit. We party late...and sleep even later. We stroll leisurely through parks and stop for cappucinos at our favorite cafe. Ah, I love city life....I think I am a city soul in a suburban body. Don't tell my girlfriend Layla though, she has dreams of raising our kids in the 'burbs.

I got to hang out with my favorite buddy when I stayed with Auntie Lo - lil' Coop - he's my little friend with a BIG personality!

We wrastle and play all day long - he's so funny - he cracks me up! When he gets that crazy look in his eyes - you know he's about to go nuts! Sometimes when I get too excited and I'm talking to much - he has to get me to shut my trap. So he sticks his head in my works!

He's my best buddy - I can't wait to hang with him again. My parents are going to Montana this upcoming weekend and hopefully Cooper gets to visit.

More to come about my other new friends!